Saturday, March 24, 2012

Wk 4: Consequences of Stress on Children’s Development

Violence ... A very sad Situation

When I was a little girl my mom stay in an abusive relationship with her boyfriend. He use to beat her real bad that she could not get me up in the morning time she can not get me ready for school. So I had to get myself ready for school. When things happen like that she tell me to go to my room and do not come out. So that happen so many time that my grandmother and grandfather told me that I did not have to stay with them. Then I cried because I knew my mother was not happy for me to leave. After that I started leaving with my grandparents. I stay with my grandparents until they past away. I want to learn about why do South Africa kills white people.How they did succeed, however, in making South Africa into a multiracial sewer with one of the highest violent crime, murder, rape, and AIDS infection rates in the world.On June 15th of this year, sugar farmer Robert Dent and his wife Allison, both 59, were killed in front of their twelve-year-old son Nicholas Dent. A Black invader entered the Dent home between two and three AM that Saturday morning, armed with a military-style rifle. He bludgeoned the unarmed couple, who were surprised in their sleep, and then, in the presence of their son, shot them to death at point-blank range in the farmhouse bathroom. I feel sorry for the child because the child seen what happen to his parents. That child will have nightmares for the rest of his life.

(Jun 5, 2011)

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Wk 2 Child Development and Public Health


I chose breastfeed because I never though about breadfeeding if I have any children I would breastfeed. But I will think twice of it because I read a article about how beastfeeding helps the children be healthy. Mother's milk provides antibodies, which formula does not. Antibodies protect the baby from infection and illness in Africa.It talk s about how breastfeed will affect the child if the mother have HIV.In the United States people don't want to breastfeed their children they want to give them the can milk. How the baby finds the mother's breast all by his or her self. The time that mother's should stop birth feedin their child and for the child to be healthy. If I was parent's I would breastfeed my child before I go in public or I will breastfeed at home and put it in a milk bottles for my child.

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Wk 1 Childbirth––In Your Life and Around the World

I do not have any children yet but maybe one day soon. So I decide to interview my aunt Mary about her birth experience with her child. When she first find out that she was pregnancy she was so happy about it. Sha said wild she was going to the her appointments she was so excited to see her baby ultrasound to see how the baby have grown inside her. She enjoy listening to her baby and watching the baby move. Then she said within 12 weeks she find out what she was having. She said that she was having a baby "boy". After then some months went by she was having contraction she said that she knew then it was time to have the baby so she went to the hospital and then the baby boy come and he weighing 6lbs 4oz. She said that was a painful labor that she every had in her life.

I pick this one because I do not have any children yet. I pick this because I never experience birth and my aunt have been through this with her child. So I had to asks her about the birth experience she had. My thought on birth is to get me ready for birth experience when I am ready for it. I hope I be ready to have a baby very soon before I get old.The impact is to make parents do the right thing when bring children in the world today.

In Haiti the women have their babies natural in a medical tent outside in a tent that is a 100 degree outside and in United State we have our children in the hospital in the air condition. In Haitian there are 670 women out every 100,000 die in the child birth but in the United States it is 11.The United States help us by giving us mediciad to help pay the cost and in Haiti they do not have care like we do. I learned that everybody county is different from other county.